Thursday, January 8, 2009

Starting Over

Okay so I will post this first since I left my Camera from Christmas in Albuq and I am still waiting for it to come back to me I feel lost without it. But the point is I have X-Mas pics on there so that will have to wait. So I have started to work out again and eat right being me I dont like all the GOOD food so I am so Hungry I can't stand it I want to just YELL FEED ME PLEASE!!! Jon has been getting the worst of it let's just say I'm not very nice when I want food that I can't eat. And you might ask well is she eatting yes I am but not what I want, I watch everyone else eat it and it makes me mad~ I'm like a crazy Women but I need to get this weight off and for good on Monday and today I went 5 miles on the bike and did 100 sit ups and 50 last night but I watch the biggest loser and they are like 30-25 lBS less in just ONE week how does that happen I want to know so I can do that! I am hoping that in 2 months I will have lost 10-15 lbs cause I'm going to vegas for a girls weekend! So pray for me that I can do this I was doing so good but then with the end of the year and all the food I just couldn't stand it anymore......Okay Im done


Stacey said...

I feel you. Sometimes you have to allow yourself a little bite of what you really want. Then your body (and mind) doesn't feel so deprived. I hear it get's easier (I wouldn't know cause I can't stick to it). Slow and steady is the best way. Best of luck.

Anna Min said...

You can do it, Stacy! Stacey is right though...its not about deprivation, it about portion control.
You can do it!
Will I be seeing you tomorrow?

Michelle said...

i hope you're doing good. i just got your comment on my blog and i think i responded to you but not sure. let me know the next time you're in abq and we'll set up a photo shoot. good luck with the exercising and eating you can do it and if you indulge (or get lazy once in a while, which is my problem) don't beat yourself up, just start again the next day. we miss you guys!!!