Do you ever feel like the things you do with the kids, the house everything goes over looked? Sometimes I feel because I don't have a full time job that people thing I sit around all day and do nothing which couldn't be further from the truth. I try really hard to keep everyone happy and I sometimes in return forget about what makes me happy, I was awake till about 2 am last night and my mind was just going and I just can't help but to think that sometimes I get over looked. It's hard being a stay at home mom with two boys in different schools and one here with me I can't be every where all at once and that's very hard on me. Because I feel like I should be able to do it all and I can't I want my house to look perfect at all times, and my Kids and be that Mom that's on top of things at school with the two older ones~ teach jadon all the things he needs to learn, make sure dinner is ready and getting to the table when Jon gets home. And then there's sometimes when I wake up and don't want to get out of bed and that's just not gonna happen. Plus when the kids are sick or up who do you think is up me because I feel bad for Jon knowing he has to work. I know this is the life I have always wanted but I do have feelings and this is just one of those days. I just feel like at the end of the day everyone is so tired we all just do our own thing and I miss that time with Jon he sit's on one side of the room and me on the other, and for the most part that's fine but lately I have been feeling like crap and need that attention you know ladies what i am talking about just come sit by me and hold my hand or write me an email saying you miss me Something.....Anyway just some thought's I feel better now that I got it out....
You are such a good mom and wife. IT is hard when you have days that you question your worth.
Love ya
I hear ya sister! Raise the roof! We all feel like that somedays. Sometimes more days than we like. But take comfort in the fact that you are not alone! But at the end of the day. You are a good mom. You try your best! YOu love your children and your hubby.
YOu go to church. Say your prayers and read your scriptures. You can't be perfect in this world, so don't get to stressed out about it (look who's talking).
The Lord knows you. He is proud of you and what you have sacraficed to be at home with your children.
Gosh Stacy,
I totally know what you mean. Pretty much alomost everyday since 1/28/08, Cassie's bday, I have felt crazy and totally like crap. Life is hard but then there are those precious moments that make it worth it.
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