Friday, April 18, 2008


I am so happy with my self I got up early then any other day to take Jadon to a play group with one of my friends today and he had a great time so that was good. then I left there pick up my honey and took him to lunch came home put jadon down for a nice long nap and I cleaned everything, the only thing i have to do is mop. I had dinner already in the crock pot earlier this morning so no worries there. I had all my clothes washed and Put away and then I picked up the boys from school and went and mowed the front yard which by the way is very Big.... I will leave the back for Jon I like to help him with these things i feel like he works really hard for our family and these are the things I can help with. And I know I will feel it when I wake up but it's worth it. Then tonight we are going to a friends house for game night and No Kids ~ oh wait did I say NO Kids!!! I can't wait it's been awhile since me and Jon have been out alone so this should be nice. I have started to take some new meds and I am feeling really great it seems like Me and Jon have become alot closer it's so nice to have your best friend with you all the time.... (loven it)

Anyway I hope everyone has a great weekend..

1 comment:

KCordell said...

Hey Stacey,
I thought that might be you but I didn't know. Thought maybe I could have a stocker. I'm so glad that you commented now I can see what you're up to, if that's okay with you?