Yes he does last night he brought me Fire and ice flower's my Fave candy and a spa date for Friday for a Hot Stone Massage!!!! Yeah baby I can't wait and I was making a slide show that is taking forever and last night he put all the boys to bed and left me alone it was so nice.... Man Points that's right my man step it up after like a 3 hour talk the night before but that's okay I don't care and I even got a Sweet email from him oh how I love this man.....
Have a good night off to soccer practice.
i think you and i are the only two people who know what fire and ice roses are....i give 50 brownie points to jon..... just fly some Jason's way once in a while
I am so proud of Jon! Hey, I picked up a case of apples and 2 cans of oats at the cannery. They were out of everything else. Sorry. If you want I can put in an order for bulk stuff, but then you would have to can it yourself. Or you can just wait a month or two and they should get the stuff in again. Let me know.
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