Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So I'm back.....

I know my last post was me venting sorry just thought I would write it down it always makes me feel better. But I'm back to normal just had a little rough spot and it's gone, The power of prayer and being with sister's really does work! I feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one that feels bad sometimes and they know how to pick me back up and put me back on the straight and narrow so thanks.So this Friday Jon (Hastings) has a black tie event where you have to dress all nice and I'm not saying that I don't have nice dresses but they are for church and I wanted to look really good cause Jon's dad got Jon a Ralph Lauren Suit and I was like Hello what do I wear, Well me and Anna Min have to both Go so Anna Min, And another sister and I went shopping in hope's of finding that one Dress!!! You know what I'm talking about girls so we looked nothing and I even got stuck in one in the dressing room (don't ask) I have lost weight but not that much and I almost had to call the girls to pull it off.... LOL anyway we went to the mall and we looked and then we went into JCpenny's and they were having a great SALE but it was only good till 1:00 and at that point it was like 12:30 so off we went look fast girls and then There they were.... I feel in love and Anna Min's was just as cute..... So needless to say we will look more then great on our hubby's arms... I can't wait to wear it, if you could only see it on I will take pics when I wear it but it's one of those things where you lose weight and something fits Oh so right and your like WOW! this is it.. Here are some pics of Jon's suit and my dress.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Man oh man I have been in a mood I can't seem to pull my self out of for awhile now and I talked to one of my Aunts yesterday and she made me feel so good and I love that about her.. Sometimes as women we feel we can't do enough or what we do is not our best or why isn't there enough time in the day to get everything done, or Are our husbands and kids happy. There are so many things that we feel like only WE can do and that's not true yes our kids run to us when they are sick cause only Mommy knows how to make me feel better we know our children we know if they are getting sick or not or if it's bad enough that we need to take them to the docs. I get all that but in that we some time's lose who we are and that is where I have been (not a good feeling) I look at my wonderful family and I thank God everyday for all of them because I do know they were meant to be mine, But there are those moments when you have to stop and remember who You are I'm not just MOMMY, or WIFE I also am Stacy! And I had to realize that..So I had a talk with Jon and I feel alot better but I know I am not the only Mommy or Wife that has felt this way and as a Man he doesn't really understand and that's hard. I wouldn't give up anything that I have Nothing but I need to keep in mind I am only one person and I can't take the world on by myself as much as Jon thinks I can....(not gonna happen) He always Say's I'm super women because of all the things I can do with 3 boys but in turn does he know How hard it is or how stressed out i get???? Questions I don't think I will have a answer for I guess I will keep doing what I'm doing and trust in my husband and God to guide me...After all I am a child of God and he knows me better then I know myself so who am i to not put my faith in him..Well just some thoughts

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My boys...

So the other day I went to the park to get my walk on... lol and so that the kids could play and after I took some pics just for the fun of it and plus my kids love there pic taken.... Watch out ladies because these are some good looken Boys I must say.... =) Jadon always says CHEESE when i take his pic it's so cute..

Tough Love vs. Spanking - Good Argument

Most people think it improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they have one of 'those moments.'

One that I found effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.

Some say it's the vibration from the car, others say it's the time away from any distractions such as TV, Video Games, Computer, IPod, etc.

Either way, my kids usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our car ride together. Eye to eye contact helps a lot too.

I've included a photo below of one of my sessions with my son, in case you would like to use the technique.

This works with grandchildren,
nieces, and nephews as well.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

6 more Lbs

Just in case your wondering I am winning this bet, I have 6 more lbs to lose to get to my goal of shedding those 20 lbs off!!!! I have been working my butt off but since I have till Christmas I will try for a little more I don't want to be to skinny just lose this baby weight... you all know what I mean. I am sore alot and tired but I am not giving up I have been doing this for awhile and I love to see it melt away I feel alot like my old self not pre kids cause I was like 110 lbs I don't want that maybe the lowest I would go is 155 cause I am 5 foot 7 I need a little meat just toned

On a different not my oldest is going to be a deacon this coming Feb and he already went to a pre class and answered questions and just the thought of that brings tears to my eyes I always wanted a girl but now that I see what my boys will be able to hold and do I couldn't ask for more. I talked with them last night and asked them what they wanted and they both want to go on a mission and yes things might change but for now that couldn't sound so sweet. I said to Jon 4 down and two to go to wash them clean what a feeling as a father to be able to do that (cause keep in mind he also did mine and his girls) so Jonathan has another year and Jadon awhile but I feel I was given boys for all the right reason's and I love them all differently for all the sweet things they bring to me and teach me.... Not only that but we have 3 boys to keep the Newman name alive.

That still small voice

Well I was suppose to go to my Grandpa's 80Th B-day on sat. night and we were going to leave on Friday night spend some time with my Step dad (which by the way I call dad) My father died two years ago. Anyway his father just passed away last week and I wanted to be there for him but when we had everyone in the car said the prayer and hit the road right before we got on to I-40 I had a feeling we should not go, which by the way I have had before and I have always listened but this time I just said to Jon "I have a feeling we need to stay" and he pulled over and told me he hasn't going to go any where if that's how I felt... Which I was so happy my husband didn't question me and that he knew I wouldn't have said that if it wasn't true. But on the other hand this one night my whole family was going to be together but me which I felt like crap but they understood, but it didn't make me feel any better and the Quick death with my own father and now my Dad's I worry about my Grandpa he is okay but his heath is a worry! But who am I to question the spirit? I really wanted to be there but not welling to put my family or myself in harms way or anything else that could have happened. I am so Thankful for that still small voice that guides us and protects us. And believe it or not that night Jon said he had a feeling but didn't want to tell me but he said once I said it , it confirmed how he felt. That tells me we are ONE and we feed off each other. I am very sad but I also know that in a couple of weeks I will go back to see him and my Dad. I thank God for what he has allowed us to have and be blessed with if only we take the time to listen! It might not be what we want to hear! But we are blessed to have that just like our prayers we may not get the answer we want or when we want it but that's not how he works and I have come to realize who am I to question the reason's? I am suppose to believe in him to guide me in the straight and narrow and that's what i did..I hope anyone that reads this can stop and think about your own blessing's and be thankful when you can look around and see your wonderful family and all that he has given to us...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Love it....

A Father's love

A son asked his father, 'Dad, will you take part in
> a marathon with me?' The
> father who, despite having a heart condition, says
> 'Yes'. They went on to
> complete the marathon together. Father and son went
> on to join other
> marathons, the father always saying 'Yes' to his
> son's request of going
> through the race together. One day, the son asked
> his father, 'Dad, let's
> join the Ironman together.'
> To which, his father said 'Yes'
> For those who didn't know, Ironman is the toughest
> triathlon ever. The race
> encompasses three endurance events of a 2.4 mile
> (3.86 kilometer) ocean
> swim, followed by a 112 mile (180.2 kilometer) bike
> ride, and ending with a
> 26.2 mile (42.195 kilometer) marathon along the
> coast of the Big Island
> Father and son went on to complete the race
> together. View this