Friday, June 20, 2008

Wisdom teeth

So today I went and had my Wisdom tooth pulled no big deal Dr. Lamb is the best but my head is killing me I just want to go lay down but I can't I have 3 wonderful Half of my face is numb and on top of that I have not ate anything today just because when I got up it was 7am EARLY if you know me because I am still on FL time zone(nice) and I don't like to eat early it makes me sick and I called right around 8:30am and they got me right in... So there you have it poor me, But now I just want to go close all my blinds and turn on my fan and go back to sleep!! Just one of those days. Yesterday we had some crazy weather and I was out side taken pictures we even had a tornado and yes I was outside but it wasn't by me it was by the airport.. It was scary but I had to film it... Hello so here are some photo's


One Tired Mom said...

I have one wisdom tooth coming in and I am dreading getting it taken out. Sorry chickie. I hope you feel better soon.

Angela S said...

Man, that bites. My teeth coming out wasn't so bad. I went to a pool party two hours later. Sure it was sore but its totally low on the list of pain/irritation from surgeries. But that said, my sister and husband were both miserable after theirs. Good luck!