Saturday, August 2, 2008

Help Please....

Okay I made a bet with my sister in law that the next time I see her I will be 20 Lbs or more thinner, the time will be X-Mas she also has to lose some weight so we will see who wins it makes it funner this way. but I need any help I can get with how to do this I am already working out at the town club and i have layed off the cokes for the most part and some other things. So I am on my way i have lost 2 lbs this week but I want to win....heeheehee plus I want to be thin once again so any help would be great........ from all you thin women out there share your secrets lol


Jenny said...

Hey girl! No getting advise from the skinny girls :o)

Welll...maybe I should let you since I'm gonna win! I'll let you have all my old clothes since I'll be getting all new skinny clothes!

Summer said...

Well, obviously, I have no advice. But remember you want to stay healthy too. There are lots of unhealthy ways to drop pounds quickly. You're doing great if you are losing about 2 lbs a week. It sounds like you are already on your way. Just keep up the pace!

Unknown said...

Don't listen to Summer, it dosn't matter in you are healthy or not, it only matters if you win. Take all the online drugs you can find!!! Just kidding about the drugs. Don't eat past 8pm. Eat a big breakfast and small dinner. Lots of fiber. No ice cream or cookies or anything that I am eating currently! Good luck! I hope you win and more importantly I hope you reach the wait that you are aiming for.

Anonymous said...

Try protein shakes. If you have one of those for breakfast & lunch and a light dinner that is definitely less than 1000 calories per day. No snacking (she says as she pops a cheeto in her mouth). Walmart has a chocolate protein shake powder that isn't very expensive and tastes alright...

Sara said...

Just remember Stacey, that you will probably gain some weight before losing--or maybe just stay the same. Your body needs to build up the muscle in order to maintain a healthy and faster metabolism. Muscle weighs much more than fat, but takes up a lot less space. When your body starts building up that muscle, you may notice the clothes fitting too tight, but it's just because it is in the transition to have enough muscle mass to start killing off the fat. It takes awhile and you'll lose fast and then not lose any. During those weeks when nothing comes off, just remember your body needs a break, but if you are feeling good and have some extra energy, maybe you need to kick it up a little! Your body will get use to the routine you have established and will require more weight training (heavier weight) or longer cardio (atleast faster paced) in order to keep losing at the same rate. It sounds like a lot of work, but really isn't that hard if you just listen to your body! I hope this comment makes it to you on time. Don't give up!!! You're awesome and will certainly reach your goal--I wish I could be there to workout with you!

Dave and Courtney said...

K, so I'm not thin, however the only "diet" I have been successful at is weight watchers. In like 2 and a half months I lost 20 almost pounds! Dave and I are going to start again on August 1st. I want to be thin again. :) good luck with the contest!

Stacey said...

Unfortunately, lots of cardio and cutting back on your calories (not too much) is the safest and healthiest way. Good luck, I can't stick to it. Maybe you're more diciplined.